7 Jul 2013

Dating Advisory ( for guys) According to a book by Raditya Dika

1. Surprise the girl with your unique , macho , and sensitive fashion style . Fetch her and wearing a pink power ranger costume .

2. When meeting her parents , try to be polite . Praise her mom well , but no need to be over praising like "Wah , Aunty , you're getting old in a good way !"

3. Sometimes , during the first date , her mom wants to join the date . Don't worry , show your intention by piggy back her mom everywhere .

4. Girls like seeing dogs . So hold a German shepherd dog on your shoulder while strolling around the shopping mall .

5. Hold her hand while strolling around the shopping mall , if you're only as tall as her knees , hold her leg

6. Girls like guys who's different from the others . So after the dinner , tell her ,"Normally the guy pays the dinner , but I know I'm different . So tonight you pay all ."

7. When you're dating with her then suddenly you see another cute girl , fall yourself down on the floor and pretend to die for 45 minutes .

8. To be more fun , try to match your clothes with the movie you're going to watch with her . When you're watching Harry potter , wear black clothes . While watching cartoon , wear colorful clothes . While watching comedy , wear party clown costume .

9. Probably the girl is an alien . If that occurred , don't be panic . Take her around the town and give souvenir for her parents in her planet .

10. When you send her home , say "Thanks for today "
And show your happy feeling by getting out of the car and dancing around the car .

Don't laugh hor !!!

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