18 Jul 2013

Back in Singapore - I'm Crazy

Yup , I'm already in Singapore now . Ya , back since Monday , July 15th , 2013 . Not till one week and I already did something crazy . I think I'm drunk but actually I'm not drunk . Was I ?
Hmmm so the crazy thing was about finding a hotel .
Finding a hotel ? Hmmm at first it sounds ordinary , then actually it's crazy . So this is the story . I was in the bus with my bf and just before we got down . I asked him ,"So we go find hotel ?"
Wait wait... don't think negative first . What I meant was wanting to search for cheap hotel for my family who is coming here on August 7th till 12th . Then ya , everybody will start thinking that I asked him like that to 'sleep' in a hotel . Crazy la !!! OMG , I was so damn embarrassed . No wonder he was so damn quiet when I asked him like that , he just got out of the bus without responding me . I thought he couldn't hear me or what . I almost shouted again at him .
So ya...

7 Jul 2013

Dating Advisory ( for girls ) according to the book by Raditya Dika

1. When he fetch you for a date , welcome him by asking your family to dance together in front of your house

2. If your guy likes watching an imaginary movie like Harry Pottet etc , there's a possibility that he'll fetch you with an eagle . Don't worry , approach him and remind him that there's to parking lot for eagles .

3. Guys like being treated as a mature man . Just tell him "You're more mature than a pre school boy who's having dinner with me yesterday . "

4. Guys like listening to a girl singing . So bring him to a dark place then sing

5. First date is normally done in a dark place . When you're alone with him in the dark place then he suddenly kena possessed , don't be panic . Chat with him , who knows can get more chemistry .

6. Search for a quiet dating place , don't forget , to sound elite , find a place with European decoration , so go to the Dutch cemetery .

7. When he ask you to be his girlfriend , don't give answer directly . Remember , a girl must play hard to get . So answer him ,"Hmm let me think first for 3 years !"

8. Guys hate dirty girl . So when having dinner then you got stomachache , don't say ,"Oh I need to go to toilet , it's on the edge already !!!"

9. Learn about the movie synopsis that you're going to watch on the date . So that there won't be any stupid comment in the middle of the movie . For example you're watching Harry potter and you ask "Eh , where's Katniss Everdeen ? Why not appear yet ? "

10. During dinner , avoid personal topic , for example :
"I'm  pregnant" or "my grandma is an expert in strip tease !"

Dating Advisory ( for guys) According to a book by Raditya Dika

1. Surprise the girl with your unique , macho , and sensitive fashion style . Fetch her and wearing a pink power ranger costume .

2. When meeting her parents , try to be polite . Praise her mom well , but no need to be over praising like "Wah , Aunty , you're getting old in a good way !"

3. Sometimes , during the first date , her mom wants to join the date . Don't worry , show your intention by piggy back her mom everywhere .

4. Girls like seeing dogs . So hold a German shepherd dog on your shoulder while strolling around the shopping mall .

5. Hold her hand while strolling around the shopping mall , if you're only as tall as her knees , hold her leg

6. Girls like guys who's different from the others . So after the dinner , tell her ,"Normally the guy pays the dinner , but I know I'm different . So tonight you pay all ."

7. When you're dating with her then suddenly you see another cute girl , fall yourself down on the floor and pretend to die for 45 minutes .

8. To be more fun , try to match your clothes with the movie you're going to watch with her . When you're watching Harry potter , wear black clothes . While watching cartoon , wear colorful clothes . While watching comedy , wear party clown costume .

9. Probably the girl is an alien . If that occurred , don't be panic . Take her around the town and give souvenir for her parents in her planet .

10. When you send her home , say "Thanks for today "
And show your happy feeling by getting out of the car and dancing around the car .

Don't laugh hor !!!

6 Jul 2013

Chain Text

Last time during secondary school , I often got that kind of text messages , I called it chain text . Coz it's sent from one person and then sent to another one and sent to another one and forever it will be . I also got the text last time . Till I was like oh my ... Why this kind of text again ?
You know ? That kind of text that they will put any statement to threaten you , for example : if you don't send this to anyone , you'll be haunted , etc .
Ya , that time I got one stating :
- you must send this text to 20 of your friends , if not , I'll be hiding in your room , probably under your bed or behind your curtain and I'll scare you .

I got that text from about 25 friends and did not reply even one of them . Too lazy to forward .
So what I did was sending them this text :
- hi guys . I know you all will think that I'm joking . But seriously , I'm not joking this time . I'm sorry to tell you that I don't think my room will have enough space for all of you to be here , especially for you who plan to hide under my bed or behind my curtain , seriously don't . Anyway , for you who want to come nicely and by knocking my door , not hiding , I prepared snacks and drinks alr . Hope it will last for one night or if not , you must call McD delivery service . Have fun , and don't make any noise , my parents and bro are sleeping !

Lol , and their reaction were like :
- wah Liao ! Who wants to come to your room sia ? Just a joke
- huh ? You believe ?
- whoa ! Free snacks and drinks !
- seriously ?
- you're crazy as usual !

Don't text me like that again next time hor !

5 Jul 2013

First Time I Met My Bf

This morning I was checking my phone inbox just for fun . Then I saw his very first message and it was March 9th . That made me remember that it's the first time I met him . March 9th , 2013 . We met in front of Koi - Bugis Plus right after I finished the sunset mass in my church .
I received his text saying to text him when I reached Bugis Plus and to take my time , after I finished church .
So then after that I walked towards Bugis Plus and then in front of Koi , got one man approached me and I was sure that the man must be him . So then I said hi and we walked into Bugis Plus and went to eat ramen for dinner . One funny thing that I remember was about the round thingy that we will get to wait for the ramen . That one which will beep when the ramen is ready . I told him that last time when I was in Perth , I got this round thingy also while waiting for my meal . Then suddenly the thing was beeping for few times and the sound was quite loud . That made me scared . Coz never saw that thing before , I thought it won't beep . Then what I thought was the thing was going to explode like bomb . So I screamed to my friends around me "Oh no !! It's gonna explode !" Then suddenly the cashier shout my name and told me that it's not gonna explode but my meal was ready .
Hearing my story , he was laughing , and the way he laughed is different . I mean I have never seen anybody else laughing like that . Like so free or something . That made me quite happy , feeling that my joke is funny . You know ? If I tell other people about a joke then they just laugh a bit or something , that made me feel like my joke isn't funny . Feels like my joke is failed . Haha

Then after we ate , we went watch movie . I think it's Jack and the Giant Slayer , with that "eating people" scene . Since then , he knows that I dun like that eating people scene .

Finished watching movie , I went back hostel and he took bus also with me . I thought I'd be going back alone , but no . He accompanied me .

Since then , we mostly every Saturday go out together . Till we became bf and gf on April 7th . Then every Saturday we go out together , except those exam days .